SFX, avowedly the world's bestselling magazine about SF , was launched in June 1995. Every issue from #1 to #274 contains at least one Langford column. If you enjoy the samples linked from this page, I urge you to buy the Collected Edition: The SEX Column and other misprints. This is complete to March 2005 (columns #1-#128), with many added corrections, comments, afterthoughts, additional SFX features and even an index in the print edition. The sequence of columns continues (#129-#183), along with masses of non-SFX essays, reviews, etc (and, again, an index) in the also highly desirable collection Starcombing (2009). Both these collections are also available as ebooks. The final round-up (#184-#274), taking the column to its farewell instalment in the July 2016 issue and again including some extras to swell the total to 100 items, is All Good Things: The Last SFX Visions. David Langford
PS: No, I didn't want to stop writing for SFX just yet. In March 2016 the editor told me very nicely that a budget cut imposed by high-ups at Future Publishing meant that the magazine couldn't afford me (or my regular illustrator Andy Watt) any more; see also the first item in Ansible 345. My Future commissions for three further columns after the July 2016 issue turned out to be not worth the electrons they were printed on. So it goes.
PPS: Columns are listed below with my own titles, which sometimes the SFX editors unilaterally changed. For the benefit of obsessive bibliographers I've checked the printed issues and added any changed title in square brackets after the Langford title: thus "Wreath of Stars [Wreaths of the Stars]", the first being a Bob Shaw novel title (the column was in memory of his death) and the second not meaning anything much. I hadn't realized before this exercise that "Rubber Science" was accidentally repeated on two further columns that year (2002) in place of my own titles.
Letters, SFX #276 (August 2016)
As an inducement to buy All Good Things: The Last SFX Visions, these final columns don't appear online. - #274, July: All Good Things – supported by positively the last SFX appearance of Thog, Langford bows to the axe
- #273, June: Balderdash – SF lack of hirsuteness
- #272, May: We Meant To Say ...– strange corrections and clarifications
- #271, April: Ten Year Hitch [The Con Is On] – distant rumblings of another UK Worldcon
- #270, March: Crash! – a computer disaster and some thoughts on memory
- #269, February: Untrue Names – on onomastics and terminological inexactitude
- #268, January: Double-Takes – by popular lack of request, Thog begins his farewell tour
- #267, December: Puppy Kicking – these people really are indescribably tedious
- #266, November: Plutocracy – the tactful term is "planet of restricted growth"
- #265, October: Looking Backward – blue plaque? You may need to see your dentist
- #264, September: Butterfly Mind – step on my brain and you could change history
- #263, August: Throne Up – revisiting the ever-unpopular "As Others See Us" theme
- #262, Summer: Puppygate – a general lament on lack of house-training
- #261, July: 20 Glorious Years – Anniversary Time, but Terry Pratchett had to leave the party early
- #260, June: Bat Durston Lives – didn't you know that every planet has a West?
- #259, May: Books About [Critical Mass] – our glorious critical heritage (or, The Hunting of the Snark)
- #258, April: Gathering MOSS – Felicity screamed uncontrollably as the unspeakable horror inexorably emerged from the VAT ...
- #257, March: Wrong Notes – newspaper fact-non-checking and more Weediest Links
- #256, February: Filmic Factoids – notes towards my unwritten bestseller The Science of Monster Movies
- #255, January: Don't Look Now – "do not look into laser with remaining eye"
- #254, December: Loncon Overload – what did you do at the Worldcon, daddy?
- #253, November: Curiosa Dept – curiouser and curiouser, bookier and bookier
- #252, October: Thogomized! – has he fired six quotes or only five? Do you feel lucky?
- #251, September: Hugo Horrors – the usual routine scandals
- #250, August: The Big 250 – more topical numerology
- #249, Summer: Flash Fiction – Gibberne's Nervous Accelerator: better than benzedrine!
- #248, July: Heads We Lose – when will this abuse of defenceless books cease?
- #247, June: 100 Things – an object lesson
- #246, May: Badge of Infamy – I am not a number! I am a free fan!
- #245, April: Outsider R.I.P. – remembering Colin Wilson
- #244, March: Lessing and More – Doris Lessing joins the choir invisible
- #243, February: 1 Down: Respect – cruciverbalism revisited
- #242, January: E-Freebies – putting the gut into Gutenberg
- #241, December: Pohl Position – remembering Fred Pohl
- #240, November: Take a Dump – information wants to be dumped!
- #239, October: E-Overload – struggling feebly with ebook production
- #238, September: Grand Old Man – remembering Jack Vance
- #237, August: Neat Tricks – oh no, Thog has slipped his leash again!
- #236, Summer: Reviewing Blues – the joy (or not) of freebies
- #235, July: Dressing Down – low-budget costumes, brown studies and purple prose
- #234, June: Spice Marinas – Games Workshop make prats of themselves again
- #233, May: Post-Kindle – I have seen the future and it works, but not very well
- #232, April: PODmania – unsubtly plugging another of my projects
- #231, March: Found Poetry – Langford as art installation
- #230, February: More Rotten Cabbages [Rotten Cabbages] – positively not the last appearance of the "As Others See Us" theme
- #229, January: Fifty Shades of Thog [They Said It] – everyone else rings unfunny changes on Fifty Shades of Grey, and now it's my turn
- #228, December: Stainless Steel Harry [Harry the Hero] – a few words about the passing of Harry Harrison
- #227, November: The Long Haul – oh God, he's going on about the SF Encyclopedia again
- #226, October: Jobsworth – cloaca-and-dagger fiction
- #225, September: The Martian Chronicler [The Rocket Man] – remembering Ray Bradbury
- #224, August: Poirot into Space – the crimes of science fiction
- #223, Summer: Puppies & Ray-Guns [Puppies & Guns] – more agonies and ecstasies of SF awards
- #222, July: Round Number – a little-known tricentennial
- #221, June: Revenge of the Eyeballs [In Plain Sight] – close encounters of the retinal kind
- #220, May: Hello, Lobachevsky [It's a steal] – if it makes pots of money it must be plagiarized, right?
- #219, April: Still Barmy – from its secret HQ in the gutter, SF conquers the world
- #218, March: The Dragon Lady – farewell to Anne McCaffrey
- #217, February: Deep Impact – the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom tooth
- #216, January: Triffid Pursuit – your starter for 3.14159 is ...
- #215, December: Who's In Charge? – the Bavarian Illuminati or the Milk Marketing Board?
- #214, November: Naughty, Naughty – pandering to filthy minds
- #213, October: Panic Stations – you mean we have to write the thing?
- #212, September: Respect At Last – or how I made an exhibition of myself in the British Library
- #211, August: Tribal Rites – Immanentize the Eastercon!
- #210, Summer: Jones Disagrees – another sad farewell, to the creator of Chrestomanci
- #209, July: Hidden Secrets [my title was Unbreakable Code but for some reason I adopted the SFX version here and in the relevant collection] – scrawling graffiti in the margins of the Voynich Manuscript
- #208, June: Sanity Clause – the jaws that bite, the publishing clauses that catch
- #207, May: Exuberant Verbosity – yet more wild and whirling words
- #206, April: Ten Foot Pole – spam, spam, spam, Wikileaks and spam
- #205, March: Seven Year Itch – geekery, mockery and a rare perspective shift
- #204, February: Hidden Messages – never a cross word
- #203, January: Serial Thriller – remembering Ted Tubb and Earl Dumarest
- #202, December: The Weediest Link – Anne Robinson: "From the title, what do you think this column is about?" Contestant: "Gardening."
- #201, November: In Your Dreams – from "Dreams Are Sacred" via The Prisoner and Scrooge McDuck to Inception
- #200, October: Bicentennial – unreliable memoirs for the anniversary issue
- #199, September: The Mathemagician – remembering Martin Gardner
- #198, August: Election Fever – in which we go to the Hustings, who are either aliens or mutants
- #197, Summer: Secret Histories II [Secret Histories] – a few more or less choice selections from the small presses (the "II" is because I belatedly discovered I'd already written a column with this title in 2004)
- #196, July: Protons and Simile – of lurid likenesses, cackhanded comparisons, and the public trousers
- #195, June: Amazon Ate My Hamster – another one that worried the SFX lawyers until I deleted a joke about Amazon's antics being aimed at me as a reaction to rude comments in past columns
- #194, May: Elementary, My Dear Watson – on money and unobtainium
- #193, April: Mythago Man – remembering Rob Holdstock
- #192, March: Textbooks of the Argonauts – catching up on encyclopedias and Argonology
- #191, February: Web of Infamy – why make your convention website difficult to use when with a little more effort you could make it bloody impossible?
- #190, January: The Agony Aunts – are you in need of help, advice, sympathy? Tough
- #189, December: Moving the Goalposts – more fun with SF awards and their rules
- #188, November: Googled to Death – see Langford try to be topical and come a cropper
- #187, October: Dark Side of the Net – contains an invented pseudonym that the SFX lawyers dared not print!
- #186, September: Moose in Darkest Berks – and not chocolate moose either
- #185, August: The Voices of Ballard – yet again saying goodbye
- #184, July: Behind the Grim Grin – Christopher Priest moves into self-publishing
- #183, June: More Spelling Reform – or why Hi-Fi World magazine must inevitably change its name to Hyfy
- #182, May: Looking Forward – advance predictions of Sir Arthur, Sir Terry and more
- #181, April: The Ackermansion Is Empty – once again waving goodbye
- #180, March: Round Numbers – centenaries and things
- #179, February: See Nipples and Die – intending readers who appear to be under 21 will be asked to show ID
- #178, January: Lexicongate! – positively the last appearance of the Harry Potter Lexicon in this column
- #177, Christmas: Futurespeak – The Future Is Tekon!
- #176, December: Yesterday's Man – imagine a fantastic alternate timeline in which Langford no longer wins Hugos
- #175, November: Into the Null – goodbye to Algis Budrys and Tom Disch
- #174, October: A Pyrzqxgl by Any Other Name – the power of naming, and of misnaming
- #173, September: Lunch and Lulu – self-publishing secrets and a translation mystery
- #172, August: Ray Guns Forever – pow! zap! fzzzt! ... the noise of boys' toys
- #171, July: Here We Go Again – further masochistic wallowing in the wonderful world of As Others See Us
- #170, June: Happy Birthday – a few 2008 anniversaries, including Discworld's 25th
- #169, May: Transformative Bubbly – champagne parties and the Rowling/Lexicon lawsuit revisited
- #168, April: Rotten Apple – the forgotten Hugo-winning novel
- #167, March: Brief Encounters – rubbing shoulders with the famous
- #166, February: You Can't Do That! – a tale of two Unauthorized Companions
- #165, January: Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretches – a title which is surely self-explanatory
- #164, Christmas: Odd Volumes – ramblings about unusual book packages
- #163, December: Ultraman Rules – the more or less obligatory 2007 Hugo report
- #162, November: Potterdammerung – positively the last appearance of a certain boy wizard
- #161, October: Have You Ever Kippled? – on the true origins of a famous SF word
- #160, September: The Torture Never Stops – back to that perennial theme of SF -phobia and SF denial
- #160, September: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin – additional "SFX Book Club" feature
- #159, August: Conan the Librarian – another clash of titans: Stephen Baxter vs. my dwindling shelf space
- #158, July: Poo-tee-weet! – farewelling Kurt Vonnegut
- #157, June: Free Reads – how to waste even more time on line
- #156, May: Glory! Glory! – SF, terrorism and Mr Justice Cocklecarrot
- #155, April: All Must Have Prizes – the 2007 awards season gets under way
- #154, March: Xenolexicography – revisiting the OED's researches into SF words
- #153, February: Seventy Years On – on the UK Eastercon tradition, with a thinly veiled plug for the replacement event thrown together when the 2007 convention collapsed
- #153, February: The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester – additional "SFX Book Club" feature
- #152, January: The Trouble With Harry – more about writing for corrupt personal gain
- #151, Christmas: John M Who? – yet another memorial column
- #150, December: The Eyeballs of Thog – not for those of a nervous disposition (this means you, Claire Brialey)
- #149, November: Product Placement – on naming names, and the Tucker Technique
- #148, October: The New Reality TV – on the displeasures of a chronoscope
- #147, September: Blurbismo Revisited – the spicy secrets of Miss Belinda Blurb
- #146, August: It's the Law – Langford's Law says that desperate men end up writing columns like this
- #145, July: Lost in Translation – how much of a book makes it into the film version?
- #144, June: Better Than Jet-Packs – nostalgia for the only sensible way to travel
- #143, May: Encyclopedia of Madness – the SF Encyclopedia rides again
- #142, April: Pride and Prejudice – "As Others See Us" revisited
- #141, March: Again and Again – more memories: Sheckley and Bulmer
- #140, February: Ask the SEXperts – shallow mockery of a revered institution
- #139, January: Ring Out The Old – (some of) the SF people we lost in 2005
- #138, Christmas: Bah! Humbug! – seasonal Santa-ism
- #137, December: The Chronicler of Narnia – extra feature; the editor made me do it
- #137, December: Glasgow Snapshots – further Worldcon memories
- #136, November: Britannia Rules – more triumphalism at the World SF Convention in Glasgow
- #135, October: First Thursday – London meetings and London bombs on 7 July
- #134, September: The 64-Square Madhouse – chess in SF
- #134, September: Back to the Roots – additional feature for "advertorial" on fantasy fiction
- #133, August: Eye of the Beholder – another compendium of those ever-popular, ever-irritating "As Others See Us" lines
- #132, July: Rule Britannia – the Brit-infested Hugo shortlist; also, John Brosnan's death
- #131, June: Confound Their Politics – politicians' names dropped in SF
- #130, May: Retro Wars – flashing blades in space
- #129, April: Farewell, Kelly Freas – another good man gone
- #128, March: Note That Foot – unlikely footnotes and indexes
- #127, February: Centenaries and Things – looking back to 1905
- #126, January: As Others See Us – more outsiders' attitudes to that horrid SF stuff
- #125, Christmas: Secret Histories – Retro Hugos and a plug for Peter Weston
- #124, December: I Was a Dunnikin-Diver – yet another Discworld convention
- #123, November: Who Owns Your Name? – cybersquattery and corporate naughtiness
- #122, October: Crimewatch! – SF ghosts in the world of thrillers
- #121, September: Interzone – Goodbye and Hello – the old order changeth, yielding place to new ...
- #120, August: Bibliography Blues – in search of the Original Shaggy God
- #119, July: Then and Now – the changing face of SF clichés
- #118, June: Flounder Is Critical – highly promotable new authors and wordmills
- #117, May: Copyright, Copywrong? – ditherings about intellectual property issues and the Ellison/AOL lawsuit
- #116, April: Censored! – persecution by filthy-minded software
- #115, March: Down the Rabbit Hole – recursive fantasies
- #114, February: The Editator: Judgment Day – the unnatural vice of self-anthologization
- #113, January: Going, Going ... – more farewells: Eshbach, Clement
- SFX Special: SFX Appeal undated: Bad Sex Awards – Thog licks his lips a lot
- #112, Christmas: The Long Goodbye – farewell to the Earthlight imprint
- #111, December: Torcon Memories – Langford at the Toronto Worldcon
- #110, November: Bottoms Up! – strange tipples in SF and fandom
- #109, October: Retro Chemistry – Oliver Sacks and memories of One Thousand and One Edifying Stenches, Bangs and Toxic Fumes for Boys
- #108, September: Pressed to Death – small presses; once again, the latest state of play
- #107, August: Bits and Pieces – "time to catch up on some traditional Langford hobby-horses", in particular the #105 attitude and Margaret Atwood
- #106, July: Glittering Prizes – meandering through the SF awards scene
- #105, June: Wriggling on the Hook – this column is not science fiction, oh no, but imaginative speculation set in a hypothetical future, which is different
- #104, May: Hornblower in Space – nautical derring-do amid the interstellar tides and solar wind
- #103, April: Slice of Life – the lucrative Hobbit lampoon that, in the end, I didn't write
- #102, March: Words, Words, Words – weird SF words and names
- #101, February: Banned! – censored SF and fantasy
- #100, January: Royal Telegram – looking back, and the Curse of Langford
- #99, Christmas: Nostalgia Time – or, The Physics of Biggles
- #98, December: Lemony Who? – latest in this Series of Unfortunate Columns
- #97, November: At the Vampire Ball [Rubber Science, repeating the August title again thanks to editorial cock-up] – another Discworld convention
- #96, October: What Happened Next? [Rubber Science, repeating the August title thanks to editorial cock-up] – the bits that arrived too late for past columns
- #95, September: Here It Comes Again – run! run! another Glasgow Worldcon!
- #94, August: Rubber Science – in which, idly nitpicking at scientific anomalies in SF, Langford terminally embarrasses himself
- #93, July: Getting Together – memories of Knight, Cowper and the Milford conferences
- #92, June: Laugh With Lafferty – another farewell: R.A. Lafferty
- SFX Collectors Edition: Deep Space Special May: Space Opera feature [Written in the Stars]
- #91, May: At the POD Races – update on small press and Print On Demand hassles
- #90, April: Fanthorpe Forever – reporting from Lionel F's Jubilee event
- #89, Spring: Wanted Dead or Alive – terrorist figures in SF , gosh how very topical
- #88, March: Flat Earth Societies – Flatland and mathematical SF
- #87, February: The Last Kirby – farewelling Josh Kirby
- #86, January: Looking Backward – on finding SF fandom when I were but a lad
- #85, December: Real Life – impossible not to write about 11 September
- #84, November: Wild Scrod (Anagram) – writing a second Discworld quizbook
- #83, October: Guesting in Moominland – Langford goes to Finland
- #82, September: Sign Here – the terrors of autograph sessions
- #81, August: This Title Was Different – mysterious book title changes
- #80, July: Fame At Last – bogglement at the 2001 Hugo shortlist
- #79, June: Lepermage of Elfspasm – secrets of creating fantasy titles
- SFX Collectors Edition: The Best Sci-Fi and Fantasy in the World Ever! May: Top 20 Feature [The Write Stuff] – a stab at listing the very best
- #78, May: The CD Shelf – my non-musical CD collection
- #77, April: Your Name In Lights – routes to lasting fame
- #77, April: Small Press Gang – extra small-press review feature
- #76, Spring: The Bottom Line – accountancy-driven publishing
- Lord of the Rings promotional supplement, Spring – feature article "Tolkien: Lord of the Royalties"
- #75, March: Rare Book Department [Rare Book Departments] – rarities by John Sladek and others
- #74, February: Langford Meets Swamp Thing – a guest trip to Florida
- #73, January: A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs – mixed remembrances of Keith Roberts
- #72, Christmas: Old Moorecocke's Almanack – predictions for 2001
- #71, December: Ask Uncle Agony [Ask Agony Auntie Langford] – implausible readers' letters
- #70, November: Dream Libraries – repositories of imaginary books
- #69, October: Putting the Pot in Potter – you can't ignore J.K. Rowling, however hard you try
- #68, September: Bringing Them Back Alive – too many SF characters are dead but won't lie down
- #67, August: It's a Fix-Up – how to write like A.E. van Benford
- #66, July: Choose Your Own Column! – multiple-choice madness
- #65, June: One of the Funniest – remembering John Sladek
- #64, May: Nomad of the Time Streams – on Michael Moorcock
- #63, April: E and Me – the amazing e-publishing revolution, or not
- #62, March: Deep Science – that is, deeply crappy science in SF
- #61, February: 1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration – where do SF authors get their crazy ideas?
- #60, January: Games Fans Play – varyingly irresponsible SF party games
- #59, Christmas: What the Dickens? – Scrooge meets Thog
- #58, December: The Last White Papers – James White remembered
- #57, November: Unclean! Unclean! – writers who desperately insist their SF efforts aren't nasty old SF
- #56, October: Remembering Anode Enzyme – the late cartoonist John Glashan's SF weirdness
- #55, September: Judge Not ... – another tepid Arthur C. Clarke Award controversy
- #54, August: The Naughty Parts [Naughty Parts] – smuggling rude bits into SF
- #53, July: Will U Kindly F O? – the SF view of ufology
- #52, June: The Book of Joshua – doing the text for Josh Kirby's new art book
- #51, May: Shape of Things to Come – talking about shapeshifting in fantasy
- #50, April: Fan Scene – thoughts after Vince Clarke's death
- #49, March: Ringing the Changes – get out of that plot rut
- #48, February: Cautionary Tales – the dark side of the farce as things go wrong on a US convention trip
- #47, January: Writing by Numbers – generating SF stories with computers and advanced Artificial Stupidity
- #46a, Christmas: Tracking Down Santa [Hunting Santa!] – highly literary contribution to a Christmas supplement included with #46, The SFX Guide to over 100 Great SF Xmas Presents!
- #46, Christmas: Future Christmas [The Ghost of SFXmas Future...] – doing the time warp to examine hangovers 50 years hence
- #45, December: Good Stuff [All Good Stuff] – a few words about some neglected authors I rather like
- #44, November: Fifteen Point Oh Eight – more regrettable Hugo gloating
- #43, October: Bottom of the Barrel – running out of inspiration, Langford desperately quotes from The Eye of Argon
- #42, September: Old and Unwise – SF's ancients
- #41, August: What's In A Title? – book titling/retitling mysteries made less clear
- #40, July: Set Phasers to "Spoof"' – skiffy parodies revisited
- #39, June: The Kink in Space – sensitive reappraisal of the Gor books
- #38, May: Naming Names – the old Langford hobby-horse of character names, appropriate or otherwise
- #37, April: Is Discworld Literature? – according to the British Council it nearly was, but ...
- #36, March: The Science of Cashing In – in the footsteps of The Science of Star Trek etc, a new look at Tolkien
- #35, February: Desert Island Books – convention panel silliness
- #34, January: Things To Do in Docklands When You're Dead – at the 1997 World Fantasy Convention
- #33, Christmas: Take Me To Your Picard [Take Me To Picard!] – on translation and Hofstadter
- #32, December: The Numbers Game – gloating over shelves of Hugos (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #31, November: The Critic on the Hearth – the war between authors and critics (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #30, October: The Oops Factor [The "Oops!" Factor] – silly SF science (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #29, September: The Authorized Version – the gulf between what they wrote and what you see on the page (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #28, August: It's Big! It's Dumb! – a round up of SF 's Big Dumb Objects (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #27, July: My Fantasy Life – the horrors of working on The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #26, June: Wells: Behind Closed Doors – sidelights on H.G. Wells's life (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #25, May: Curse of the Typo – hideous consequences of one or two scrambled letters (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #24, April: Been There, Stole That – blatant literary thefts (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #23, March: Nine Secrets of Stichomancy – how to write a short story in a morning (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #22, February: Read My Lips – about the MIT Press book on HAL 9000 (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #21, January: Second Childhood – on J.P. Martin's "Uncle" books, now a free read at Infinity Plus.
- #20, Christmas: Blurbismo – who writes SF blurbs, anyway? (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #19, December: Hugos There? – weirdness and follies of SF 's top awards (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #18, November: The Case of the Red Planet – the current fad for Mars as a setting (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #17, October: Random Fandom – some of those esoteric fan terms misdefined (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #16, September: Big Bang Theory [The Big Bang Theory] – SF superweapons (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #15, August: So You Want to Be a Reviewer? – tricks of the trade (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #14, July: Look at the Evidence – on John Clute as critic (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #13, June: Stuffed With Large Insects – strange meals in SF (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #12, May: On the Circuit – SF convention guest horrors (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #11, April: Wreath of Stars [Wreaths of the Stars]– Bob Shaw remembered (expanded for publication elsewhere)
- #10, March: Crosstalk [Who Needs Friends?] – allusions and cross-references in SF (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #9, February: The Lid Ripped Off! [Langford Tells All!] – a Langford interview
- #8, January: Hell's Cartographer – farewelling Sir Kingsley Amis
- #7, December: Visit Sunny Mordor! – on The Tough Guide to Fantasyland (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #6, November: Noises Off – a cacophony of SF sound effects
- #5, October: Badgered to Death – Lionel Fanthorpe and Badger Books (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #4, September: Fandom As She Is Spoke – a few words about fan jargon
- #3, August: We Told You So – SF and prediction (collected in Pieces of Langford and The SEX Column)
- #2, July: Awards Fever [Awards Fever!]– on current SF awards
- #1, June: The Book on the Edge of Forever – telling the old, old story