Give David Langford Your Money!
So much for subtle, subliminal messages.... The buttons below are for optional PayPal or credit card donations to help with running costs of my various websites, or just because you've enjoyed reading Ansible, my SFX magazine columns, Cloud Chamber, Thog's Masterclass, or the many other articles and reviews here.
While stocks last, the first edition hardback of David Langford's first solo book War in 2080: The Future of Military Technology (1979) is available within the UK only for the cost of postage and packing – £4.50 (allowing for PayPal fees; you can add a bit more towards the Ansible site if you like). For this item, please use the button below to avoid confusion with other site donations:
Lots of thanks to recent benefactors:
Charles Platt, Ian Jones, Gareth Jelley of Interzone, Lisa Hirsch, Christopher Moore, Michael Bonsall, Brian Ameringen and Caroline Mullan, Anton Sherwood, Graham Sleight, Paul Walker, Janice Jacobson, Rob Haley
– and to all buyers of Ansible Editions books and ebooks!
The Great Ansible® Trademark Initiative. On Facebook in Spring 2016 I mentioned worries about a planned rival magazine "stealing" the long established Ansible title. A surge of support from the following splendid people very quickly funded an Ansible trademark application which was approved and registered by the UK Intellectual Property Office on 8 July 2016. Thanks for all the help to: Jody Lynn Nye, Harry Payne, Mark Price, Susan Shwartz, Colin Harris, George Wells, James Bacon, Peter Mabey, Eddie Cochrane, Judith Mortimore, Philip Dyson, Douglas Faunt, James Viner, David Weingart, Beale-Williams Enterprise, Becky Thomson, James Shields, Carl Allery, John Bangsund, Sean Ellis, Paul Lagasse, Mark Yon, Ian Collier, Sarah Mooring, Steve Glover, Vanessa May, Nicholas Gibbins, David W Goldman, Brian Nisbet, Kari, John Waggott, Jonathan Lewis-Jones, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Mark Slater, Camilla Pomeroy, Fiona Scarlett, Jayne Nelson, Catherine Pickersgill, Alison Scott, Liz Williams, Mike Cobley and Andrew Wells.
Roll of Honour. Merf Adamson, Rebecca Moesta Anderson, Johan Anglemark (twice), Barry Arrowsmith, Sarah Ash, Mike Ashley (twice), Karen Babich (twice), Chris Bailey, Robert Baker-Self, Christopher Barker, Allen Baum, Alex Baxter, Alexander Belton, Tracy Benton (twice), Terry Bisson, Paul Blackwell, Simon Brackenridge, Wendy Bradley, Stuart Broughton, Steven Browne, Stephen Bryant, Kendall Bullen, Ralf Burgert, Lillian Butler, Caryn Cameron (twice), Kia Cammaerts, Michael Carroll, Noel Chidwick of The New Curiosity Shop, Mike Christie, Elaine Cochrane, Eli Cohen, Damiano Colantonio, Hazel Cotton, cullen crispen, John Cullen, Harriet Culver, Nigel E. Curson, Julie Czerneda, John Dallman (seven times), Janice Dawley (three times), Thomas Deimel, Peter Delaney, Bob Devney (twice), Martin Dickson, Richard Dixon, Valerie Dobson (twice), Cory Doctorow, Holly Doyne, Rhian Drinkwater, Carl Duckworth, Vivienne Dunstan (three times), Terence Edge (five times), Janice Eisen, christopher elliott, Christopher Ellison (three times), Epsilon 3 Productions, Gregory Feeley, Fibitz Reality Adjustment, Sheila Finch, Johan-Martijn Flaton, Christopher Fowler (three times), Kathryn Frech (three times), John Freeman (three times), Paul Friedman, AP Fullen, Paul "Gamma" Gamble (r.i.p.), Games from Pevans, Mark Mac Garry, Marc Gascoigne (twice), James Gillham, Benjamin Gleason (twice), James Glendinning, Mike Glyer, Jim Goldfrank (twice), David W Goldman (twice), Jeanne Gomoll, Stephen Gould, Steven Gould (twice), Alexandria Gray (twice), Nicole Gresham, Stephanie Griffin, Philip Groves, Joe Haldeman, Rob Haley (five times), John Hall (twice), John Nielsen Hall, Stuart Hall, Richard Handloff, Richard Hands, Jed Hartman, Michael Harker, David A. Harvey, Susie Haynes, Niall Hedderley (three times), Paraic Hegarty, Michael Henry, Elisa Hertel, Yvonne Hewett (five times), Lisa Hirsch (three times), Joseph Holderness (twice), Rachel E. Holmen, Nicholas Howard-King, Margaret Hoyt (twice), Kim Huett, Kevin Humphries, Dave Hutchinson, Janice Jacobson (three times), Jessica Jahiel (twice), Elaine Jennings, Jan Jensen, Philip Johnson, Antony Johnston, Ian Jones (fourteen times), Justine Jones, Lenore Jean Jones (twice), Jonathan Jones, Sue Jones (seven times), Eleanor Joslin, Brenda Kalt (twice), Melita Kennedy, Rick Kennett, Lawrence Kestenbaum, Paul Kiddell, Garry Kilworth, Venetia King, David K.M. Klaus, MF Korn, Jay Lake, Anne Lane (six times), L.J. Lawrence (twice), Marilee J. Layman, Peta Lee, Mark Lewin, Shaun Lewis, Robin Low, Damian Lund, John Lyddon, Kieran Lyons (twice), Jonathan McCalmont, Bill McCloud, Andrew McColl, Tim McDaniel, Angus MacDonald (twice), Mark McGarry (twice), Martin McGrath, Michael McGrath (three times), Marti McKenna, Brin-Marie McLaughlin, James McNish, Conor McVarnock, Sven-Hendrik Magotsch, Chris Malme, David Mankins (three times), Christopher R. Marler, Lee Martin (twice), Elise Matthesen, Jon Meccarello, James Millar, Arthur Mitchell, Rebecca Moesta, Alasdair Montgomery, Christopher Moore (four times), David Morgan, Lyn C Motai, Carrie Mowatt, K.A. Moylan (thrice), Caroline Mullan (twice), Graham Mullier, Beverly Muntain, Alexander Newman, Jacob Nevins, Brian Nisbet, Sharyn November, Nicholas Oakley, Clarrie O'Callaghan, Mark L. Olson (twice), Chris O'Neil (four times), Gill Othen (four times), Colum Paget, Jane Palmer (three times), Leslie Pennycook, Rog Peyton, Raija Pietilä (twice), Charles Platt (twice), Nicolai Plum, Marc Pollitt (twice), Camilla Pomeroy (twice), John Purdie (four times), Rackstraw Press, Haydn Rawlinson, David Redd (many, many times), David Reese (twice), Dave Regan, Dan Reid (twice), Ian Richardson (three times), Renzo Righi, Hugues Robert (thrice), Katy Robinson, Martin Rodgers, Nigel Rowe, Marcus Rowland (three times), Ed Ruppenthal, Clive Rushen, Paul J. Saarma (fourteen times), Jayn Sand, Ian Sanders, Thomas Schlück, Paul Seidel, Sebastian Seidel, Shadow Publishing, Peter D. Shearn (twice), Timothy Sherburn (five times), Anton Sherwood, Robert Shiels, Liz Shrubsole, Erik Sieurin, Peter Simjouw, John Simpson, Scott Simpson, Jon Singer, John Sisson (ten times), Graham Sleight (three times), Phillip Spencer (eight times), Carol Springs, Andrew Stephenson, Charles Stevens, Martin Stewart, Roy Stilling (twice), Philip Talbot, Colin Tate, Jane Taylor, Kevin Taylor, Bob Toomey (three times), Janne Torklep, Bruce Townley (three times), Roman Tsivkin, Harry Turner, Nicholas Tyler, Jeff VanderMeer, Jan van 't Ent (three times), Kimberley Verburg (twice), James Viner (three times), John Waggott, William C. Wagner (twice), Alan Walker, Eric Walker, Lynn Walker (twice), Paul Walker (six times), Stephen Walker, Molly Walzer, Peter Watson, Melissa Wauford, Nick Weatherhead, Ian Watson (twice), Sally Watts, Bob Webber, Christian Weisgerber, Christian Weller, Andrew Wells (ten times), Stephen West (three times), Eva Whitley, Nicholas Whyte, Janet M. Wilkins, Elizabeth Willey (twice), Fiona Wood, Joshua Wood, Tim Wright, Frank Wu, Arthur Wyatt, A.R. Yngve.
Thanks also for past help, by various routes, to: Nick Brooke, Eileen Gunn, John Harvey, Martin Hoare (RIP), Hazel Langford, David Redd (RIP), Ben Roimola, Christopher Priest (RIP), Joe Siclari and Andrew Wells.