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Ansible Information

Ansible Information – the very small software company – has ceased trading.

Most AI software products, with manuals and/or Help documentation, can now be downloaded free of charge on the understanding that no technical support is available. See Technical Issues.

These downloads now include the Ailink converter for Amstrad PCW LocoScript documents, our once popular book indexing software in both its AnsibleIndex Plus for Amstrad PCW LocoScript and AnsibleIndex Pro for PC LocoScript Pro incarnations, the infamous A.I.Q. random text generator, the even more infamous Grease vocabulary analyser, and the Bicarb repeated-words monitor (commissioned by Terry Pratchett).

Another once major product was SFVIEW. The world's leading science fiction reference book, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1993) edited by John Clute and Peter Nicholls, came out in a CD-ROM edition from Grolier in 1995 – with a truly lousy interface. SFVIEW was produced as a much better Windows-platform viewer that transforms, corrects, expands and adds essential facilities to the user-hostile CD-ROM. It was eventually superseded by the new (free) online edition of the Encyclopedia, launched in October 2011 and still being expanded.

If you find any of these items useful or fun, you are very welcome to make an optional donation.

David Langford's main website remains active at; his science fiction newsletter Ansible appears regularly at and his small press Ansible Editions (publishing both printed books and ebooks) can be found at