Irrational Numbers by David Langford is a collection of three short stories in techno-Lovecraftian vein, where occult investigations intersect dangerously with physics, mathematics and computer software.
Neil Gaiman's back-cover quote reads "Only Dave Langford knows the meaning of the word 'fear'," with the tiny footnote "The other words only Dave Langford knows the meaning of are 'Labile', 'Glabrous' and 'Scrotiform'."
- Publication Date: 1994
- Publisher: Necronomicon Press, Rhode Island, USA
- Format: Paperback chapbook, approx 8.5" x 7"
- ISBN: 0940884631
- Page Count: 34
- Cover Artist: Jason C. Eckhardt -- also internal illustrations
- Availability: Necronomicon Press
Contents - "Deepnet" (original to this chapbook)
- "Serpent Eggs" (original to this chapbook; revised for The Third Alternative, 1997)
- "The Lions in the Desert" (from The Weerde II: The Book of the Ancients ed. Neil Gaiman and Roz Kaveney, 1993)
2009 note: I suspect that Irrational Numbers is out of print, but all three stories appear in the major Langford collection Different Kinds of Darkness.